
An Innovative Leader in EHS Software

Benchmark Gensuite, a leading provider of comprehensive EHS and sustainability software solutions, has been recognized as a Leader in the prestigious 2025 Green Quadrant for EHS Software by independent research firm Verdantix.

EHS Software_Leader

This top industry accolade highlights Benchmark Gensuite's commitment to delivering innovative, all-round EHS management capabilities backed by cutting-edge AI technology. The report praises our solution's:

  • Highly differentiated, top scores in AI-driven features designed to enhance efficiency, data quality, and EHS performance.
  • Safety and emissions management excellence within a broad management platform.
  • Above-average health capabilities leveraging strategic partnerships.
  • And more...

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High Scores in Overall Capability

Benchmark Gensuite outperformed major competitors across several key capabilities:

  • AI Integration: Our solution was recognized for its suite of powerful AI Advisors, earning the top score in this category.
  • Vision & Strategy: Benchmark Gensuite received the top scores on key EHS market strategic success factors.
  • User Interface:  Our solution scored the highest among Leader on the most important EHS software buyer priority-user interface.
  • Business Intelligence: Benchmark Gensuite received the highest score for this critical EHS program imperative.​
  • ESG & Sustainability: Our solution scored highly on management system capabilities at the intersection of ESG and sustainability.
Verdantix Green Quadrant EHS Software 2025 Figure_January


"Innovative solutions suited to large enterprise, high-risk firms."

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AI Integration

"The vendor's Al-driven tools, designed to enhance efficiencies, data quality and EHS performance, will be appealing to EHS leaders who aim to be early adopters of emerging technologies."


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"Safety and emissions management excellence within a broad management platform."

EHS & Sustainability leaders need more than technology - you need real partnership

With Benchmark Gensuite, you get more than field-tested tools, incredible data agility, and workflows co-developed by your peers. You get a mission-aligned team behind you with experience navigating complex compliance and reporting requirements for leading brands across the globe.
Incident Management

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